Teaching + Mentoring
Graduate School Involvements
High-Stakes Fellowship Mentor and Training Facilitator
I've been trained to work as a high-stakes fellowship mentor by the Mentorship Alliance. As a fellowship mentor specializing in the NSF GRFP, and as a GRFP recipient, I'm able to provide individualized support for fellowship applicants.
Through one-on-one consultations, I've been trained to assist students in understanding how reviewers use the merit review criteria to appraise applications, and to help them implement necessary elements throughout all stages of the application process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, polishing, and submitting). In additional to working as a fellowship mentor, I have worked as a facilitator for the Mentorship Alliance's high-stakes mentor training program at UC Irvine.
For students interested in fellowship mentorship, please contact me directly. Testimonials and evaluations available upon request.
**One phenomenal resource is the NSF GRFP Primer developed by Dr. William Head, who has served as a reviewer for the NSF GRFP Fellowship program and has successfully mentored many students.
Invited Talks and Guest Lectures
03/21/2024: “Doing Environmental Politics Otherwise” Guest Lecture, California Polytechnic Institute, Pomona (course: Environmental Political Theory - PLS 4381)
03/19/2024: “Perspectives on Sustainable Development” Guest Lecture, California Polytechnic Institute, Pomona (course: Environmental Political Theory - PLS 4381)
11/15/2023: "Relationality and Methodology" Guest Lecture, California Polytechnic Institute, Pomona (course: Research Methods - PLS 2051)
04/21/2023: “Nuclear Ecologies: Past, Present, and Future,” EARTH week speaker series, Quinnipiac University
03/24/2023: “Intersectionality and Colonialism” Guest Lecture, Quinnipiac University (course: Introduction to Politics - PO101)
02/17/2023: “Interpretive Research and Necropolitics” Guest Lecture, Quinnipiac University (course: Political Inquiry - PO303)
10/21/2022: “Sustaining Development Towards?” Guest Lecture, Quinnipiac University (course: Development, Globalization, and Colonialism - PO313)
11/09/2021: “Indigeneity & Institutions: Global & Local Lessons from Moana Nui” Annual Indigeneity Teach-In, Quinnipiac University (click here)
Undergraduate Involvements
Peer Catalyst (Undergraduate Teaching Assistant)
In this role I worked as an undergraduate teaching assistant and academic support staff for a political research course (PO303), which covered post-positivist/positivist methodologies and qualitative/quantitative methods. I frequently designed and executed in-class learning activities, and occasionally led lectures autonomously. This was the highest level course at the University to have an undergraduate teaching assistant.
Additional responsibilities included holding regular office hours, reviewing student assignments and addressing violations of Quinnipiac University’s Title IX policy, academic integrity policy, and Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment, and Bias-Motivated Acts and Behavior policy. Grading was not permitted in this role. I held this role for two semesters (Fall 2021/Spring 2022) as a college senior. Click here for the course syllabus.
Evaluations available upon request.